Conference “Memory – Dialogue – Reconciliation. Is the past constantly changing?

The first of the two conferences entitled “Memory – Dialogue – Reconciliation” was held at the Institute for the Culture of Encounter and Dialogue with the participation of eminent experts: Dr. Bożena Szaynok, prof. Paul Singer, dr Marcin Zaremba, journalist Konstanty Gebert and Fr. Tomasz Dostatni. In the first part of the meeting prof. Szaynok delivered a lecture entitled “What do we know about the Kielce pogrom and how do we talk about it?”. After the lecture, a debate was held, which was attended by Paweł Śpiewak, Marcin Zaremba, Konstanty Gebert and Tomasz Dostatni OP. The debate was chaired by Bogdan Białek, president of the Jan Karski Society.