The Institute

Since November 2014, thanks to the supportive approach of the Kielce city authorities, the Society has been renting the premises in the building at 7 Planty Street. This new place created new possibilities for action and consequently on November 25 the Institute for the Culture of Encounter and Dialogue was established. In its activities such as education, organization of cultural events and meetings with various authorities as well as spreading knowledge about other cultures, the Institute follows the message of Pope Francis, who said the following about the culture of encounter:

Good communication helps us to be closer to each other and get to know each other better. It helps us be more united. Walls dividing us can be overcome only if we are willing to listen to each other and learn from one another. We need to reconcile differences through various forms of dialogue, allowing our growth in understanding and mutual respect. The culture of encounter demands from us the ability to give to but also to receive from others.

The seat of the Institute, the house at 7 Planty Street, is a place marked by painful memories, but it is also the place where before the war life was steeped in Jewish culture. We make every effort to commemorate both the bad and good moments of joint Christian-Jewish and Polish-Jewish history.

Each of the projects requires considerable financial efforts. We do our best to obtain appropriate funds but we cannot cope alone. We will be grateful for any material and financial help. Thanks to it we will implement our plans for the benefit of the residents of the city as well as for all those who want to build intercultural dialogue.